Achieve a Brighter, Smoother You With a

Dermasmooth Facial

The Dermasmooth facial at GloLux Medspa offers a unique approach to achieving a radiant, rejuvenated complexion. This treatment combines gentle exfoliation with deep hydration, effectively targeting a variety of skin concerns for a smoother, more youthful appearance.

Target Treatment Areas


Scalp Cleansing


Remove Scalp Buildup

scalp 1

Stimulate New Hair Growth

scalp 2

Fill in Bald Spots and Thinning Areas

What to Expect With a Dermasmooth Facial

Our Dermasmooth facial is a relaxing and customized treatment performed by our experienced specialists. The procedure typically involves several steps:


Deep Cleanse

We thoroughly clean your skin to remove makeup, oil, and impurities.


Depending on your skin type and needs, we may use a gentle chemical exfoliant, mechanical exfoliation with a specialized tool, or even dermaplaning for a deeper exfoliation.

Mask Application

A hydrating aloe mask will be applied to address skin dryness.

Product Application

We will finish the treatment by applying targeted skincare products to support and protect your skin.

Dermasmooth Facial Results

Your skin should feel softer, smoother, and more radiant immediately after the treatment. Within a few weeks, you will notice significant improvements in skin tone, texture, and clarity. Enlarged pores should be noticeably reduced, fine lines and wrinkles should appear less pronounced, and you should experience an overall improvement in skin health and radiance.

With regular Dermasmooth facials, the results can be cumulative. Skin continues to improve in smoothness, firmness, and evenness of tone over time, and the anti-aging benefits become more pronounced with consistent treatments.

Key Benefits of a Dermasmooth Facial

The Dermasmooth facial includes a cleanse, dermaplane to remove peach fuzz and dead skin cells, a hydrating aloe masque to replenish hydration, reduce irritation, and redness. We finish with a cocktail of products infused with ingredients to firm, restore, calm, and support the skin barrier. 

Our Dermasmooth facial offer many benefits, including:

Exfoliation and Skin Cell Turnover
Enhanced Hydration
Minimized Pores
Improved Skin Clarity
Increased Product Absorption


Am I a good candidate for a Dermasmooth facial?

The Dermasmooth facial is a versatile treatment suitable for a variety of skin types and concerns. During your consultation, our specialists will assess your individual needs and goals. Generally, a Dermasmooth facial is a good option for those who want to:

  • Improve skin texture and tone
  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Minimize pores
  • Address blemishes and uneven skin tone
  • Enhance product absorption for a more effective skincare routine

However, the Dermasmooth facial may not be suitable for everyone. Factors like active acne, very sensitive skin, or recent sunburn may require alternative treatments.

How often should I get a Dermasmooth facial?

The frequency of Dermasmooth facials depends on your individual skin type and goals. Generally, we recommend scheduling treatments every 4-6 weeks for optimal results. However, for those with oily skin or specific concerns, more frequent treatments may be beneficial. We can create a personalized treatment plan to meet your needs.

What can I expect after the treatment?

Following a Dermasmooth facial, you may experience some mild redness or temporary sensitivity, especially if chemical exfoliation or extractions were performed. This typically subsides within a few hours. It’s crucial to avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen daily after your treatment. We will provide you with specific post-care instructions to optimize your results.

What kind of skincare routine should I follow after a Dermasmooth facial?

It’s important to use a gentle skincare routine that focuses on hydration and sun protection. We can recommend specific products based on your skin type. You may also want to avoid harsh scrubs or irritating ingredients until your skin has fully recovered.

What are the potential side effects?

Immediately after the facial, your skin may appear flushed, red, or slightly swollen due to the exfoliation and extraction processes. This is normal and should subside within a few hours.

Visit Us in Gahanna

Above all else, we  ensure that every patient leaves our spa feeling beautiful, confident, and completely satisfied. Meet with one of our highly skilled practitioners and make your vision of beauty a reality.